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Energy Series
This series begins with high-energy black brushstrokes that move throughout each canvas. Bold colors are chosen to enhance the high energy level and invite the viewer into the piece to explore the layers and movement.
Never Enough Purple
Twist of Lime
Brushstroke Series
The Brushstroke Series was started in 2016 when I boldly placed thick black brushstrokes on a canvas. I love the effect of using inexpensive brushes from my local hardware store. Fewer bristles equal amazing brushstrokes on the canvas. This series frequently fits the less is more formula. Simple black brushstrokes enhanced by my color choices for the day. I don’t usually decide on colors until I’m looking at the canvas. One day after choosing colors and painting for a few hours, I realized I was wearing the same colors.
Diptych - Splashing on the Scene 24x24 Set
Splashing on the Scene Left
Splashing on the Scene Right
Simply Black and White
Pi R Squared Series
The title of this series comes from the formula for the area of a circle. This series is all about what is happening in this space. I play with color combinations on scrap paper, choose my favorites for the current canvas and let the painting guide me. Yes, the paintings have a mind of their own!
Lemon Meringue Pi
Strawberry Pi
Key Lime Pi
On Fire Series
I began experimenting with hot colors of red, orange and yellow and decided to create this series. Starting with black brushstrokes, I have chosen very hot colors to define and blend in areas of the canvas. This is my abstract interpretation of flames! “This paintings on fire!”
Coastal Vibes Series
Coastal Vibes Series -The coastal vibes series was inevitable since I love the ocean. I could sit for hours breathing in the ocean air, listening to the sounds of waves crashing, and viewing the changing colors of the water. I find my time spent near water to be rejuvenating and very healing to my spirit and soul.
Floral Series
Floral Series – This series began as an idea on 12×12 paper. One fourth of a flower design was created using black, white and gray. The design evolved into this series that is a complete flower when all four images are displayed together. Once again my math background shines through in the title choices – Quadrant I, II, III and IV. This series can be displayed as one fourth of the flower or as the complete set of four. If you look closely my signature is incorporated into the petals of each canvas.